Captain Johnnie Walker – Feb 1951 – Jun 2021
It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Retired Captain Johnnie Walker at the age of 70. Captain Walker started with the Toronto Fire Department on November 2, 1981, at the age of 30 years old. Promoted to the rank of Captain on January 1, 2000, and retired on January 31, 2013, after a 31-year career. His last assignment was Rescue 426 C, (Station 15 on A2) with badge number 1153 which was changed at amalgamation from his original badge number 840.

Our condolences go out to Retired Captain Johnnie Walker’s family, friends, and co-workers In speaking with Pam his wife, the family have tentatively set a date for a memorial service of September 25, 2021, to be held at the Tottenham Legion. We will post any details as they become available.
Johnnie was a proud member of the Toronto Fire Fighters’ War Veterans Association; he will be missed from the monthly meetings, as well as by all his Breakfast Club Friends!
In Solidarity, Retired Toronto Fire Fighters Association I.A.F.F. Local 3888