Membership is open to all retired 3888 members and any member of the former six pre-amalgamation locals. We like to have Memberships run from May 1st to April 30th. This is because many like to pay at the May General meeting at the office. For bookkeeping purposes, it would be nice to keep everyone renewing in May. Please try to renew by June 30th.

New members are asked to fill out the form found at this link – TPFFA Active Retired Membership

Payment methods can be found below.

Active Retired Privileges

Payment Methods

Our Membership Dues run from May 1st to April 30th annually!

The annual membership fee is $25.00. If you wish to join or renew there are three ways you can do so, they are…

1.      By Cheque

If a member wishes to pay via cheque, the office checks the mail on a regular basis. To make sorting the mail easier please mark the envelope

Attention: Suzanne Boss.

TPFFA, 14 Cosentino Drive

Toronto, ON M1P 3A2

2.      By Credit Card

If members wish to pay via credit card, Suzanne would ask if the member could email her advising they would like to pay via credit card, and she’ll call them back to get their information (please include your phone number). This will alleviate an overabundance of phone calls coming into the Association and it will help her to keep an accurate list of renewals and payments.

3.      By E-Transfer

For those wishing to pay by e-transfer, you may do so by sending the transfer to the Retired Toronto Fire Fighters (RTFFA) via email at

Please follow up with a second email with the security question/answer to as well.

The RTFFA processes the e-transfers and will then update Suzanne on who has renewed their membership so she can keep an accurate list of renewals and payments.

**E-transfers – as we have members with the same or similar names, please be sure that we can properly identify who the payment is from.