Retired Toronto Fire Fighters Association Constitution

1.1. This organization shall be known as "Retired Toronto Fire Fighters Association" (hereinafter referred to as the "RTFFA")'

2.1 The RTFFA shall be affiliated with the TPFFA Local 3888.

3.1. The purpose of this RTFFA is
3.1.1 To provide an opportunity for the friendly gathering of retired firefighters
3.1.2 To foster a continuing fellowship and preservation of benefits.
3.1.3. To provide and keep informed the membership and family, to the best of our ability, information related
to benefits and other news.

4.1.1 Membership in the RTFFA shall be comprised of members who have retired from the Toronto Fire Services
and are in receipt of a pension.
4.1.2 Membership in the RTFFA may also be obtained by former retired members of the Etobicoke, East York,
North York, York, Scarborough and Toronto Fire Departments / Associations.
4.1.3 Membership in the RTFFA may also be obtained by Fire Buffs.
4.2.1 Associate Membership in the RTFFA may be obtained by a member’s widow or family members.
4.2.2 Associate Membership may be granted to anyone else with the approval of the RTFFA.
4.2.3 Associate members do not have voting rights, nor can they hold office in the RTFFA.
4.3 Applicants will make application to the secretary of the RTFFA along with payment of the approved
membership fee.
4.4 Members in good standing shall be those members who have paid all required dues to the RTFFA.


5.1.1 The President shall be elected for a 3-year term.
5.1.2 The President will strive to maintain an active and vigorous RTFFA.
5.1.3 The President will communicate and encourage the participation of all RTFFA members.
5.1.4 The President will generally provide leadership, overall supervision and administration of affairs.
5.1.5 The President shall ensure that all policies and actions approved by the membership or by the Executive Committee are properly implemented.
5.1.6 The President shall preside at meetings and/or functions.
5.1.7 The President shall, in consultation with the Secretary, prepare agenda for membership meetings.
5.1.8 The President shall attend all Executive Committee meetings and participate in all decision making opportunities.
5.1.9 The President shall be, a signatory for any and all financial transactions, and agreements with any and all
Financial institutions.
5.2.1 The Vice-President shall be elected for a 3-year term.
5.2.2 The Vice-President shall perform specific duties as assigned by the President, the Executive Committee or the membership.
5.2.3 The Vice-President shall generally provide leadership, overall supervision and administration of affairs, in the absence of the President.
5.2.4 The Vice-President shall fulfill the duties of the President when the President is temporarily absent or
otherwise unable to perform the duties of the office.
5.2.5 The Vice-President shall attend all Executive Committee meetings and participate in all decision making opportunities.
5.2.6 The Vice-President shall be, a signatory for any and all financial transactions, and agreements with any and all Financial institutions.
5.3.1 The Secretary-Treasurer shall be elected for a 3-year term.
5.3.2 The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain RTFFA records and files.
5.3.3 The Secretary-Treasurer shall handle correspondence, send out notices and assist the President in the preparation of the agenda for membership meetings.
5.3.4 The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare minutes of membership and Executive Committee meetings for the
Executive members. Upon completion of every general membership meeting, the Secretary-Treasurer shall
endeavor to post a draft summary of each meeting session to the RTFFA website within fourteen days.
5.3.5 The Secretary shall be, a signatory for any and all financial transactions, and agreements with any and all
Financial institutions.
5.3.6 The Secretary-Treasurer shall handle and report all receipts and make payments for all approved expenses incurred by the RTFFA.
5.3.7 The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain a proper account journal and bank account.
5.3.8 The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare and present financial reports for the information of the RTFFA.
5.3.9 The Secretary-Treasurer shall prepare and present a budget for the following fiscal year at the Annual
meeting of the RTFFA.
5.3.10 The Secretary-Treasurer shall attend all Executive Committee meetings and participate in all decision making opportunities.
5.4.1 There shall be three (3) Executive Members elected for a 3-year term.
5.4.2 The members shall attend all Executive Committee meetings and participate in all decision making opportunities.
5.4.3 The Executive members may be assigned by the Executive Committee to serve on one or more committees.
5.4.4 The Executive members do not have any Financial Authority, and do not have Signatory Privileges.

6.1 The Executive Committee shall be comprised of seven members;
• President
• Vice-President
• Secretary-Treasurer
• Three (3) Executive members
• One (1) appointee from TPFFA Local 3888
6.1.2 A member whose dues are in arrears may not be nominated for, elected to, or appointed to the Executive Committee.
6.1.3 A member of the Executive Committee may be appointed by the Executive Committee to serve on a RTFFA committee.
6.1.4 Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be called by the President, who is also responsible, in consultation with the Secretary, for the preparation of the agenda.
6.1.5 A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be a majority of its members.
6.2 Vacancy Appointment
6.2.1 The Executive Committee shall appoint an Active Retired member to fill a vacancy. Such an appointment will not have a detrimental effect on the ability of the member, so selected, to seek office in the next elections.

7.1 The fiscal year of the RTFFA shall begin on November 1st of each year.
7.2 Cheques to disperse the funds of the RTFFA shall bear the signatures of any two of the President, the VicePresident, and the Secretary-Treasurer.
7.3 No officer or member of a committee shall receive any remuneration for duties performed on behalf of the
RTFFA, but these members may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred while performing these duties.

8.1 The nomination for Executive Committee members, for those running and present at a meeting, will be nominated from Active Retired members only.
8.2 For those Active Retired members running and not present at a meeting, the nomination shall be verbal from the floor, with written consent from the nominated Active Retired member.

9.1 Election will be held at the Annual meeting.
9.2 Election shall be by ballot.
9.3 Election of officers and of members of all committees shall be by a plurality vote when there are more than two candidates.

10.1 Membership meetings will be held twice a year.
10.2 Quorum for a membership meeting shall be 10 members.
10.3 The Annual membership meeting shall be held in the fall.

11. AMENDMENTS to Constitution
11.1 Members may propose constitutional amendments in writing no less than thirty days (30) prior to the Annual
meeting to the Secretary-Treasurer.
11.2 Constitution amendments shall require two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast.
11.3 Any changes to this Constitution must be approved by TPFFA Local 3888

12.1 All books, records and equipment acquired by the RTFFA shall remain the property of the RTFFA.

13.1 Atwood’s Rules for Meetings shall govern the RTFFA in all procedural matters not contained in this

APPROVED by the RTFFA at a membership meeting held on 17 October 2019
Day Month Year

Alan Thomas, President
Paul Halls, Vice President
Chuck West, Secretary-Treasurer