Remembering 2023 TPFFA L3888


“Each year the City of Toronto recognizes and honours the bravery and sacrifices of the men and women who gave their lives for peace and freedom through the Toronto Remembers program, Remembrance Week activities (November 5 – 11th), and our Remembrance Day Services. We also pay tribute on Indigenous Veterans Day (November 8th).

Please join the Association for this great opportunity to show respect for our Veterans, past and present, who have given their lives so that we may live free.

Follow the link below for a list of the locations and times where the Association will be laying a wreath to honour our service men and women.

All attending firefighters should wear their full-dress uniform including white gloves (non-shrouded badges).”

Union Notice #23-131: Remembering 2023 TPFFA L3888 – Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association (