Thursday, August 25, 2022
Subject: UPDATE Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022
Labour Day Parade – Air Show Picnic
Your Association looks forward to our members joining us at this year’s Labour Day Parade. We have ordered commemorative baseball caps for those marching. As always, we have a limited number of CNE access wristbands. As well, it is important for us to plan food at the HMCS York Airshow Picnic. To assist us we would ask that everyone who plans to attend fill out the attached form here.
Friday August 12, 2022
Subject: Labour Day Parade on September 5, 2022
It’s that time of the year again.
2022 is the 150th anniversary of the first march by Labour in the streets of Toronto and we are inviting all TPFFA L3888 members to join us in marching in a show of solidarity.
Bring your Family and Friends to the 2022 Labour Day Parade!
Your Association’s Ceremonial and Bereavement committee has arranged for;
Free parking at HMCS York for members who are marching.
Shuttle service from HMCS York to the parade starting location
Red 150-year solidarity ball cap, while quantities last
BBQ picnic at HMCS York
Wristbands for free admission to the CNE, while quantities last.
You’re invited to return to HMCS York for a BBQ and watch the air show from a great vantage point. HMCS York is located at 659 Lakeshore Blvd West – the second traffic light west of Bathurst.
Bring a chair, and a camera and sit back and enjoy the Air show from HMCS York’s water’s edge, while enjoying a BBQ and Beverage.
Please note, that we will be handing out wristbands for entrance to the CNE during the march. This will be the only place where the wristbands will be available. No exceptions!
Please follow this link for the original notice.
The Labour Day Parade is an excellent opportunity for us as an Association to display unity and solidarity among our members and demonstrate our valuable contribution to the citizens of Toronto.
The parade commences at 0930hrs sharp from University and Queen. We are asking all firefighters to be at our assigned location (University and Queen) by 0900hrs. A shuttle will start bringing people from HMCS York to the marshaling area at 0730hrs with the final shuttle leaving HMCS York at 0845hrs. Free parking is available at HMCS York all day.
Toronto Fire Fighters will be in Section (3) this year so let’s have a strong showing!
Dress Code: Red Ball Cap (while quantities last) T-shirt civilian shorts/pants and comfortable footwear. Dress appropriately for weather conditions. No TFS uniform or any part thereof is to be worn for this Labour event.
Family and friends are more than welcome to march with us.
BBQ ends at the end of the airshow.
Hope to see you all at the parade.
In solidarity,
Gerlando Peritore
Chair Ceremonial & Bereavement
Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association
I.A.F.F. Local 3888