Friday August 28, 2020
Subject: Passing Of Active Member Captain May Quan *URGENT UPDATE*
There has been a change in times for Captain May Quan’s ceremony tomorrow, and we want to keep you updated.The precession will be leaving the funeral home at about 9:30am tomorrow (Saturday August 29th, 2020), and proceeding north on Woodbine Ave to the Cemetery which will take about 15 minutes to arrive at the cemetery depending on traffic.We are asking for members who would like to attend Captain May Quan’s final salute to arrive no later than 9:20am and meet in the parking lot outside the crematorium. Form up will begin at around 9:30am to 9:35am. Please bring your mask, and if possible a blue or black one, white gloves as well.

Highland Hills Cemetery, 12492 Woodbine Ave
Gormley, ON, L0H 1G0
Members are asked not to attend the service at the funeral home.
UNION NOTICE: 20-126 – Thursday August 27, 2020
Subject: Passing Of Active Member Captain May Quan *UPDATED*
Brothers and Sisters,*UPDATED*Due to COVID 19 restrictions, the family will be having a private family service for Captain May Quan this coming Saturday, August 29th, 2020. The C&B Committee and members of Toronto Fire’s Honour Guard will be attending, to add some department flare and presence.
There is an opportunity for members who would like to honour Captain May Quan, to form up at the cemetery. We are asking members to meet in the parking lot where they will be directed by one of our C&B committee members.
Members should be aware that, how we act as professional firefighters during this ceremony and seen by the public, thru media, and social media may help or hinder future ceremonies. That said, we MUST follow the Covid-19 physical distancing rules, and we MUST be wearing masks at all times. We will be forming up, arms stretched out fingertips to fingertips. Rally Point is Highland Hills Funeral Home and Cemetery parking lot at 8:45 am – 12492A Woodbine Ave. Gormley, ON L0H 1G0
Members are asked not to attend the service at the funeral home.
It is with profound sadness and heavy hearts, that we notify you of the passing of Local 3888 Active member Captain May Quan on August 25, 2020, at the age of 55. Captain Quan started with the Toronto Fire Services, Fire Prevention division on November 17, 1997.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to May’s family and friends, our members and colleagues that knew and worked with Captain May Quan. We will update and post ceremonial and funeral information as it becomes available.
In solidarity Gerlando Peritore
Chair, Ceremonial and Bereavement Committee
Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association
I.A.F.F. Local 3888